Monday, January 17, 2011

Mr Mailman Was A Week Late

 Look what just came in today when I was at work. YEAY!!! Finally it arrived after a week of delay. And what is it you like ask?

Ta daaa....

I got myself a new killer shoe all the way from ching-chong ching-chong Hong Kong!!! A bit racist but it has a nice tune to it, won't say.
I'm in need of a darker shoe besides brown and I found this online. It's a Adidas Forum Mid Nom De Guerre. It took me a year plus to find a replacement for my old white Adidas Forum Lo which I threw away due to infection of foot rot whenever I wear it. I bought the old pair around 9 years back.

But now I'm happy again to own another Adidas Forum and it's a unique breed.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Book Shopping

This time round, I managed to clock the hours I took to complete a book. Boy was I impressed. I finished a 200+ pages within a collected 6hrs over 6 days. Furthermore, the book (Logic Made Easy) is super complicated for me to comprehend.

When I finished a book, it means I need to go to Kinokuniya to replenish a new book. I've been pondering to sign up for the privilege card for ages, so I decided to sign it up since I'm coming back at least twice a month. Maybe more if I need to get some magazine or trade paperback.

So with my new privilege card, my damages for the day, "Hector and the Search for Happiness" by Francois Lelord and "The Big Questions" by Steven E. Landsburg. I forsee these two would take me about a month to complete on top of my added workout regime.
My new Kinokuniya Privilege Card
with my 2 new books

Monday, January 10, 2011

Logical Reading

I am quite impressed that I managed to clear a book, Blunders: How Smart people Makes Bad Decision, within a collected 2 weeks. Normally, I would finished a book up to 3 months. It's worst when I don't complete the book.

What kept me reading is the educational aspect of reading. Recently, most of the books that I've been reading covers philosophy, economics, and recently psychology. Some friends are looking down on me for reading such books. At least I didn't loose anything except the expenses of the book but I gain knowledge, which sadly many people don't see or doing.

Anyway, the most recent book is Logic Made Easy by Deborah J Bennett.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Toys from Abroad

My cousin from California just came back and his tons of shipment came along a day after. And in his stash is a gift set just for me. Fine, I asked him to get it for me since it's limited and not found in Singapore.
Ghostbuster II giftset
And on top of that, he gave me something else just because he ran out of space to store them at home. I got myself a complete loose Transformers: Return of the Fallen Series 1 and a MISB reissue Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Technodrome Scout Vehicle.
Since I have most of the Transformers, he didn't mind me giving it away to Ilyas or to sell them off. But he did mentioned if I managed to sell them, he would like his share. Of course I will, maybe a good 75% will go back to him.

So anyone interested in the Technodrome and the Transformers toy?

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Quick Trip

A last minute arrangement with mum and aunt to do groceries in Johor. Hence I tagged along since they said they'll be done by noon because both my aunt and me have wedding to attend.

Anyway, with my excess Ringgit, I got me these. My main intention was just Magika, a musical based on Malay legends by KRU productions(I just love their productions), but mum slot in Jangan Pandang Belakang Congkak 2, a funny scary movie.