Sunday, May 22, 2011

May Shopping

First, the purchase of my tri-monthly and now moving on to the pre-start of the Great Singapore Sale.
 A book selected from Kinokuniya member's sale for a stand-by after completion of current book.

 A replacement from River Island sale after an accidental foot mark on my white shoes

And a non-sale but an anticipated game of the Summer.

Tri-Monthly Commitment

The older I get, the more exquisite my needs became. My normal affordable needs grew slightly expensive and I grew fond of quality products.

Firstly, I love the quality of microfiber undies, the sense of freedom. I committed to purchase an new underwear every 3 months to replace all my cotton ones. The second microfiber after numerous unsatisfactory cotton undies.
CKone Microfiber Trunks
And lastly, my current facial product looses its effectiveness. So I've decided to change to a line that I sampled a long time ago.
Biotherm Aquapower
Now I made this commitment for every 3 months.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Birthday Parcel

Awesome!!! The orders I placed before my birthday have arrived. I have a new toy to fiddle with, a new earphones Beats by Dr. Dre.
My New Toy
And what of HeartBeats by Lady Gaga? It's a belated birthday present for a friend. He adores her sooo much, might as well I get one for him.
A belated birthday present for a friend
PS: I bought this directly from manufacturer, but one of the packaging feels damn fake.