Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Birthday Gifts

This isn't really something that I've gotten myself but like the title clearly states, it's my birthday presents from people closest to me. I won't name who gave me the item as I don't want anyone to extort from them.
A Lovely dual-sided belt from Fred Perry
Something unexpected to receive, just by commenting"It might look good on me"
This last gift hold a sentimental value. I've gotten this as a memento of my late mum. Each sibling had gotten individual watches as a personal memento of our mum and will pass it down as a family heirloom.

Head Porter

I can't help it, I'm in love with Japanese products. One of them is Head Porter. I could ask around for friends to get it for me if they any of them are in Tokyo but knowing the trend, it will be sold out soon after release. True to my believes, it was sold out about 2 days after.
It came with a Spring Summer 2016 Look-Book and current catalog. Possibilities of buying more.
I didn't managed to take a picture of it but here's a snapshot of what was bought

Monday, April 25, 2016

Latest Wave of Collection

The toy collection will slow down after this as there won't be much great release for a couple of months. Honestly, it's more of a space constrain.
Got a great deal for this old figure over eBay
The latest figure/mold from Takara-Tomy Transformers Masterpiece
Procrastinated to get this figure for quite a while until I saw it physically. Just had to order it directly from Japan.
Not really a toy but definitely worth the collection. Local retail had not brought it in so I've ordered via Amazon which was cheaper. Plus it was cheaper inclusive of shipping.
Third of the TFC Hades Series to combine into LioKaiser
Forth of the TFC Hades Series. Now I can wait for the remaining two