Sunday, December 16, 2012

Singapore Christmas Spree

Per last entry, this entry was reserved for my Hong Kong Spree but somehow it's still not. There are some necessities I need to get for my back to back holiday.You read it right. I going Hong Kong for Christmas and flying off again 3 days later for New Year at Beijing. Majority stared daggers at me.

I'm mostly a traveler but this time my best friend and I are tourist. Some places are best to go on tour, I learnt that during my escapade in Jeju Island, South Korea. We got the package cheap and my best friend is tied up with work and wedding in January while I'm officially a student in 2013. So New Year in Beijing seems feasible especially with my low count of leave.

Anyway back to my splurges. Need to update a bit of winter clothing to prepare for my winter escapade. Had a great time in H&M.
My third winter jacket and this is the lightest of them all. I'm gonna bring all 3 since I foresee no requirement of  luggage space/weight for shopping
The only legal time to wear turtleneck is winter 
Needed a new cardigan for the office. It's practically Hong Kong's winter at my cubicle
Since it's a back to back holiday, I need to replenish my inner wears.
While walking around, I came upon a sale in Timberland and I just can't resist. Something great for Christmas Day
With the new iPhone 5, I needed a new portable charger and something  I don't need to fight about with my best friend because now we can share (Why do I even bother?)

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