Saturday, March 23, 2013

Just A Li'l Something

I love to take the opportunity to invest during Kinokuniya sale. Heck I just love to spend at Kinokuniya, period. I know I still got tons of books on my shelf that requires reading but one could never be out of books to read. Main intention is to get those that I've been eyeing and procrastinating.
Didn't realized that the books are all white-based
I also intended to search for a present while I was in Orchard. I didn't really expect to find the perfect gift let alone coming out with it at the first shop I entered. Now I have to find a way to keep it. If that someone is reading this, that person will probably be rummaging my room looking for it.
Whatever is in the bag, we'll get to know once the person finds it or till the day comes for the person's birthday.

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