Monday, May 25, 2015


Even though the title states impulse but it doesn't really mean that I shopped impulsively. Maybe I did. Impulse is when I booked a flight ticket just so I can satisfy my craving. I bought a flight ticket to Kuala Lumpur for some food-hunt. Since I'm there, I did a bit of window shopping and got the following bits.
Was walking around Parkson in search of toe socks but ended leaving with a comfortable tee from Springfield. Subconsciously, bought green.
No KL trip would be complete without visiting Kinokuniya. That's the best place to find better range of Islamic reads and some quirky local books. I also didn't realized that I've bought 2 Murakami's book of different covers.
I'm supposed to get pants but ended getting bermuda instead from United Colors of Bennetton. It's surprisingly cheap and comfortable.

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