Monday, January 2, 2017

Winter Japan

Yeah, it's my second trip to Japan for 2016 and it was quite a blast. Even though I'm there as a guide, I managed to grabbed the following hauls.
A new Head Porter toiletries bag
Another Porter bag by Kura Chika, a medium size sling bag
I broke my Bose earphones while on flight, broke the jack when I got up to make way for the window seat passenger. Snagged this Monster at a rather cheap price.
What's Japan without toys? Held back buying these in Singapore as it's double the price.
My growing collection of work boredom
Couldn't get my jinbei but I found the best alternative
Some sale items from Adidas that I couldn't pass
Now this was some sort of impulsive buy but who wouldn't...
So nice to hug and make as a head pillow.,

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