Friday, February 24, 2012

To Collect Dust

With so many activities going on, I've little to no time to do the things that I love from reading to gaming to movies. Somehow I still grab them in view of unavailability of games and accessibility upon completion of current read. While the wait, poor things have to collect dust.

Gotten the books during my recent staycation. Like every vacation, a little shopping must be done even if they are books like what I've spent on during my KL getaway.

My luggage cracked during my return flight from Taipei. The luggage have been widely used for almost 5 years and have been to most places with me and some of my family. Occasionally over-packed for some of my trips hence the possibility of it giving way. Did I mentioned that it was bought in some funky shop in KL years back. Could be the other factor. LOL

So it's time to get a better quality luggage and found this striking American Tourister luggage from the Prismo series. I'll definitely spot mine on the conveyor belt.

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