Saturday, July 28, 2012

A Newly Revised Hobby - Reading

As I'm slowly selling off my comics and toys away, something else is creeping into the empty spaces. Not that I'm worried but truly thrilled. It's a psychological mindset that I got to know. Having more books can actually make a man wise. Then again, that depend on the books one owns.

I've been reading a handful of non-fiction books ranging mostly on psychology and a bit of philosophy. I do still read a bit of fiction but I rather have it over the screen rather than paperbacks, and definitely comics but only electronically on my iPad.

My latest interest is taking up new languages but noticed that I'm still rusty at it. I've gotten another set of language books from clearing my CitiPoints which will be expiring soon. Time to strengthen my Korean and relearn my Japanese. Hopefully I don't get to mix them up.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Conversion-Rate was to be blamed

I had a quick getaway to Kuala Lumpur during my company's 1 day shutdown. It's meant for a glutton trip before the Ramadan month starts the week after and told myself not to shop. I did however had the intention to search for shows by the late Yasmin Ahmad.
Here comes the blame game. Due to great conversion rate, I had an amazing time at Kinokuniya Malaysia. The prices were better or almost the same as Kinokuniya's member's sale in Singapore. Though I had to limit myself, actually there were more and I was carrying a basket. I had to think of the weight of my messenger bag that I'll be carrying.
Someone ask to get this using my member's card and since it's the same price, I got it there instead
Still itching to shop, I've found something that I needed to change. The price in Singapore was unbelievable and the price I got in KL was impossible. Now, I have a matching trunks and goggle. Love 'em!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

NYC Goodies

My God Brother had decided take up a sabbatical and stay in NYC for a month. Of course, we knew that certain US products are cheaper there. So I've joined the list of friends with a list of shopping needs.
A must to get when I know anyone that's going to the States. I went overboard by asking to get 5 packs
(3 packs opened to save space)
I needed to test out the Blu-Ray system on my PS3 and the discs in Singapore cost a bomb for a piece. Initially wanted to get a cheaper set but he mentioned that it's USD 99 which is actually cheaper than Singapore. A must for a Star Wars Fan
A souvenir from his Lego Store visit. Maybe to complete the Star Wars frenzy.
The is a totally unexpected souvenir. My jaw dropped when I opened the box and check it out. May not be a leather wallet that I wanted but I'm not complaining for a Gucci Tri-Fold.
His transit via Delta was to Narita. So I've asked to get Tokyo Banana if possible and he got me 3 packs with a Baumkuchen in tow. Awesome!!!