Wednesday, July 11, 2012

NYC Goodies

My God Brother had decided take up a sabbatical and stay in NYC for a month. Of course, we knew that certain US products are cheaper there. So I've joined the list of friends with a list of shopping needs.
A must to get when I know anyone that's going to the States. I went overboard by asking to get 5 packs
(3 packs opened to save space)
I needed to test out the Blu-Ray system on my PS3 and the discs in Singapore cost a bomb for a piece. Initially wanted to get a cheaper set but he mentioned that it's USD 99 which is actually cheaper than Singapore. A must for a Star Wars Fan
A souvenir from his Lego Store visit. Maybe to complete the Star Wars frenzy.
The is a totally unexpected souvenir. My jaw dropped when I opened the box and check it out. May not be a leather wallet that I wanted but I'm not complaining for a Gucci Tri-Fold.
His transit via Delta was to Narita. So I've asked to get Tokyo Banana if possible and he got me 3 packs with a Baumkuchen in tow. Awesome!!!

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